No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Ballarat<br>1940 -1945
No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Ballarat<br>1940 -1945
No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Ballarat<br>1940 -1945
No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Ballarat<br>1940 -1945
No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School Ballarat<br>1940 -1945


Wackett Aircraft 1940 at Ballarat Airfield 1WAGS

Over 6,000 RAAF personnel were trained at 1 W.A.G.S Ballarat during WW2. Approximately 20% of the trainees died in action or on active service.


No. 1 Wireless Air Gunnery School [W.A.G.S] Ballarat was established on the 22nd April 1940 as part of the Empire Training Scheme. This scheme was to support  RAF Bomber Command during WW2.


There were 58 Wireless Air Gunner Courses and 12 Navigator Courses conducted from 1940 to 1945.

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Memorial Roll

The MEMORIAL ROLL commemorates to date 1,182 RAAF 1 W.A.G.S. trainees who were killed in action or on active service during WW2.

Fight Sergeant Dennis Leslie BAULDERSTONE 416112 .Courses 13 and 15

Flight Sergeant Baulderstone was aboard the Avro Anson AW878 when it crashed at Lady Julia Percy Island off Port Fairy, Victoria, Australia.

The aircraft had set off on a navigation sortie from its Mt Gambier base. He, together with 3 other crew members, were killed.

He was 22 years old.





Featured Story

The FEATURED STORY pays tribute to a person, and or event, connected to 1 W.A.G.S Ballarat.

The story commemorates the valiant RAAF 1 W.A.G.S trainees who served in WW2 in all theatres of war – those who lost their lives and those who returned.


The FEATURED STORY honours  - 

Hudson A16-201 RAAF 32 Squadron - 1wags The four RAAF crew of 32 Squadron A16-201 Lockheed Hudson

"Outgunned and Outclassed" adapted from an article by Michael John Claringbold as published in 'Flightpath ' magazine Vol 28 No.2 Nov 2016-Jan 2017 Yaffa Media Pty Ltd Sydney.

Compiled by Steve Larkins, Dec 2016

Virtual War Memorial

On the 22 July 1942 Lockheed Hudson A16-201 was shot down by nine Japanese Zeros near Popondetta in Papua New Guinea. The Hudson was on a solo reconnaissance operation when chased and attacked by the Zeros. The four crew of 32 Squadron were- Pilot Officer Warren COWEN Pilot, Sergeant Russell POLACK Gunner, Sergeant Lauri SHEARD Gunner 1 WAGS Course 15, Pilot Officer David TAYLOR Navigator 1 WAGS Course 16. They gave a distinguished account of themselves, so much so that 55 years after the incident, one of the Japanese pilots, none other than top Japanese 'Ace' of the war, Saburo Sakai, who was one of the pilots involved in the destruction of this aircraft, lobbied the Australian Government to present Cowan with a posthumous award for his actions that day.

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National Archives of Australia - 1 WAGS BallaratUBC Web Design - 1 WAGS BallaratCity of Ballarat - 1 WAGS BallaratAPCO Alfredton - 1 WAGS BallaratDepartment of Veterans Affairs - 1 WAGS BallaratAustralian War Memorial - 1 WAGS BallaratRSL Virtual War Memorial - 1 WAGS Ballarat